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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
NIGHTINGALE blue & silver 16
NIRALA liquid blue +drops 3
NIRMA liquid blue 3
NO.1 SUNNY liquid blue 3
O blue circle +circle 29, 30, 31, 35
O.O.B blue gold +feather 3
OOB extra blue +sun 3
PACIFIC blue 19, 25, 32
PALMAZ blue 10
PASIFIQ blue 25
PAYAL liquid blue +girl 3
PEACOCK blue +peacock 3
PEPSI blue +circle 32
PILOT liquid blue +spark 3
PINK AND blue spunky +frog 25
PLUS liquid blue +drops 3
POOJA liquid blue +girl 3
PRASEN'S UJJAL liquid blue 3
PRATIK liquid blue +drops 3
PREETI popular blue washing 3
QUEEN blue +queen 3
QUEEN blue +woman 3
R.S. INDUSTRIES RS blue sta 11
RABBIT blue 3
RABBIT blue +rabbit 3
RABIN-blue 3
RASI blue +peacock 3
RECRON swarang eco blue 10, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
RIO liquid blue +cartoons 3
ROBIN blue +bird in circle 1
ROYAL liquid blue +drop 3
RUBIA power blue +bird 3
RUBY liquid blue 3
RUCHI blue +coin & fish 3
S.P. blue topp 3
SACO blue +boy & cross 3
SACRED blue 25
SAF-3 blue 3
SAGAR blue (LIQUID blue) 3
SAGAR blue (LIQUID blue) 3
SAMAY cool blue gel +teeth 3
SAPPHIRE blue 19
SARIN blue detergent 3
SASA blue detergent 3
SETHIKA ultramarine blue 2
SHER BRAND blue +lion 3
SHER brand blue +lion 3
SHINE liquid blue +bird 3
SHYAM liquid blue +feather 3
SK blue tacks +nails 6
SKY blue +bird 3
SKY SUPER liquid blue +bird 3
SO blue 25
SUMMER blue 19
blue 2
SUNRISE blue +shirt 3
SUNRISE blue +sun 3
SURYA liquid blue +boy girl 3
SURYA liquid blue +woman 3
TAAZA super liquid blue 3
TARUN ROLA blue cola ice 32
TEEN SEEN blue blood +horse 25
TELEPHONE blue +telephone 3
TEMPLE blue +building 3
TIGER blue 3
TROPICAL blue 19
TRUE blue 25, 33
URMILA liquid blue 3
UTEX liquid blue +woman 3
VICKS blue 5
VIRA s blue 12
VIRAJ liquid blue +sun 3
XCESS blue detergent cake 3
XM blue 3
XPERT blue detergent cake 3
YADGAR liquid blue 3
b blue collection 25
balaji's blue lotus RITUDHA 16
bc LUSTER liquid blue 3
beyond blue toilet cleaner 3
have blue +oval & arcs 32
indian blue FANTASY 19
new NEELIMA blue +drops 3
perfumed FEM blue bleach 3
pink & blue SIMPLY FOR KIDS 16
sky blue RISHI +flying bird 2
super BIRD blue +bird 3
super HEMA liquid blue 3
super WI FE blue detergent 34
t-SERIES blue detergent 3
true blue 9
blueBERRY 22
BAJAJ blueflame 12
bluepc 16
blues clothiers +B 25
blues union 25
BEETLE blues 24, 25
CHARMS blues filter +arrows 34
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